Landscape Painting Resource Page

Edward Theodor Compton, A View of Mount Sassolungo, 1914
Edward Theodor Compton, A View of Mount Sassolungo, 1914

Tomorrow (26 May, 8PM AEST time) I'll be opening my Landscape Painting Masterclass for another round of enrollment. Join the waitlist if you haven't already to be notified once it opens. In the meantime, feel free to browse this landscape painting resources page I put together for you.

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Previous Student Showcase

Module 2 of the course is all about color and light and how it applies to landscape painting. You'll have a chance to take part in a simple color study exercise at the end. See what some of the previous students created below.

Module 4 is all about exploring your idea and analyzing your subject. As part of this, we will be doing studies with a dull or monochrome palette.

At the end of the course, we will do a timed painting challenge to help you relax and paint with instinct.

Keep in mind, you are not required to submit anything as part of the course. You can complete the exercises in private if you prefer. But I do encourage you to share what you create. It is a completely judgment-free zone and you should be proud of what you do, no matter what your skill level.

Happy painting!

Dan Scott