Landscape Painting Masterclass

"Learn how to paint stunning landscapes in just 6 weeks using proven and highly effective techniques"

Landscape Painting Masterclass is an online course designed to provide you with all the tools needed to paint stunning landscapes. It includes 6 comprehensive modules, 2 full landscape painting demonstrations, a 30-minute painting challenge with a limited palette (perfect for those of you wanting to loosen up your style), theory discussion, practical exercises, ebooks, checklists, email guidance, one-on-one support from me personally and much more.

You will receive a comprehensive learning experience which covers theory, application and practice.

The theory will help you learn what goes on behind each stroke of the brush and why you should and shouldn’t do certain things. This is all about knowing what to say.

The application will teach you how to translate the theory onto the canvas. You will learn how to use your brush like an extension of your arm and how to communicate your ideas onto the canvas. This is all about knowing how to say it.

The practice will consolidate your learning and help you make decisions instinctively. You will learn exercises which feel challenging and exciting, but not impossible. This is all about expressing what you want to say with clarity and precision.

Landscape Painting Masterclass - Paintings And Studies

Learn How to See the Landscape as an Artist


Being able to see the landscape as an artist is an overlooked skill, but it is how a painting always starts. Once you learn this, you will start to see the endless beauty which is all around us. You will see painting opportunities and find inspiration which did not seem to exist before.

Instead of seeing a curving stream, you will see a classic S-shape composition design. Instead of seeing trees, mountains and clouds, you will see an arrangement of shapes, colors and lines. You will find yourself framing the landscape in your mind to see if it would make for an interesting painting.

Dan Scott, Wellington Point, High Contrast 2021
Dan Scott, Wellington Point, High Contrast 2021

Learn How to Translate Your Ideas onto the Canvas


Having an idea of what to paint is one thing, but translating that idea onto the canvas is a whole different beast. Technique and process comes into play here. Most artists talk as if their techniques and processes are the only ones worth learning. I prefer to take a more flexible approach. I think there are many, many ways to communicate what you want to say through a painting.

I will show you some of the techniques and processes that work for me, but more importantly, I will show you how to develop and adopt your own techniques and processes which suit you.

Learn How to Identify and Solve Difficult Problems


Painting is essentially a long string of problems you need to identify and solve. The outcome of your painting depends on your ability to successfully identify problems and the quality of your solutions.

But when you are learning, you will struggle to know if a problem even exists, let alone develop a reasonable solution for that problem. Much of this course is designed to help you understand what to look for and what kind of solutions you can implement.

Dan Scott, Sierra Nevada, 2020
Dan Scott, Sierra Nevada, 2020

Get an Over-The-Shoulder Look (As If You Had a Front Row Seat in a Personal Workshop with Me)


Part of this course involves you looking over my shoulder in two full painting demonstrations, plus a 30-minute painting challenge with a limited palette. You will see every single stroke I make, including the color mixing on my palette. Whilst doing this, I will talk about my decision making and problem solving process. This includes any mistakes I make or things I would do differently if I could go back in time (most other artists will not show you this).

The idea of this is not to get you painting like me. Rather, it is to give you an idea of how I interpret and apply theory, make decisions and solve problems.

Hi, I'm Dan Scott


I created Landscape Painting Masterclass to help you enjoy the wonderful experience of landscape painting.

I have had a passion for landscape painting since I was a child. There is something so rewarding about chasing the elusive beauty of the landscape and trying to capture it on the canvas.

I am completely self-taught, but it has not been an easy journey. Along the way I have been frustrated by the lack of guidance and clear information. My goal is to make the learning process a bit smoother for you.

Back in my early days, I learned mainly by trial and error. But I don't recommend you do the same. Take advantage of the information and people available to you at the moment.

So let's get started!

Dan Scott, Wellington Point, Shimmering Light, 2021
Dan Scott, Wellington Point, Shimmering Light, 2021

Who Is This For?


This is designed for beginner to intermediate artists who have an interest in oil or acrylic painting. However, I have also had many advanced artists and watercolorists go through and enjoy the course.

As with most of the information I put out, there is a focus on decision making, problem-solving, and fundamental concepts rather than specific techniques that are only useful in specific situations. This is the kind of information that will benefit every stroke you make no matter what medium you prefer to use.

Not sure if this is for you? Just flick me an email at and we can discuss.

Dan Scott, Tree, Dappled Light, 2020, Sales Page
Dan Scott, Tree, Dappled Light, 2020

What Will You Receive?


Once you enroll, you will immediately receive access to the following:

  • Videos relating to theory, application, and practice.
  • Ebooks which go into more detail on certain topics.
  • Useful checklists and printouts (such as a comprehensive list of master landscape painters).
  • Practical exercises which test your knowledge.
  • Regular emails to keep you on track and to provide additional exclusive landscape painting tips.
  • Lifetime access to the content plus updates.

Here is a sneak peak at the different modules:

Module 1 - The Basics of Landscape Painting


The first module is a light introduction to landscape painting and some of the major concepts. Here is what you will learn:

  • What exactly makes a great landscape painting.
  • Some of the most common landscape painting mistakes (and how to avoid them).
  • How to decide what landscape to paint.
  • How to see and analyze the landscape.
  • How to take great reference photos to complement your painting.
Landscape Painting Masterclass - Hard, Soft, Lost Edges

Module 2 - Light and Color in the Landscape


Landscape painting is different to portrait and still life painting in that you will be painting with much more light. More light usually means more color. So it is essential that you understand how light and color work.

  • How light and shadow work in the landscape.
  • How to paint under different kinds of light.
  • What colors you should use on your palette.
  • How to use color to create the illusion of atmospheric perspective.
  • How to use color studies to explore different arrangements of color.
Landscape Painting Masterclass: Module 2

Module 3 - Landscape Composition


Composition is a tricky area which cannot be easily simplified to a set of rules or standards. Instead of teaching you rigid composition rules, I show you how to break down a composition, see what really works and why it works.

  • The composition mistakes you should look out for.
  • What the most common landscape compositions are and why they work.
  • How you can take full advantage of nature to enhance your composition.
  • How to use thumbnails to quickly explore and refine composition designs.
  • How to identify the fundamental structures which are often hidden behind all the “noise”.
  • How to analyze a landscape composition (plus a detailed look into several master paintings).
Landscape Painting Masterclass: Module 3

Module 4 - Exploring Your Big Idea


Your big idea is everything in painting. It is the essence which your painting should be built around. In this module you will learn how to explore and enhance your idea before you commit your paint to the canvas.

  • How to analyze your subject before you paint it.
  • Questions to ask yourself when deciding if a landscape is worth painting.
  • The four different types of thumbnails you can use to explore and test your idea to ensure it translates well onto the canvas.
  • How to develop and nurture your “big idea”.
Landscape Painting Masterclass: Module 4

Module 5 - Landscape Painting Demonstration - Overcast Scene


You will have an over-the-shoulder view as I walk you through every stroke and thought of an overcast landscape painting. Overcast landscapes are perfect for dipping your toes into the world of color, without getting overwhelmed by complex color arrangements.

Landscape Painting Masterclass: Module 5

Module 6 - Landscape Painting Demonstration - High-Contrast Scene


Similar to the above module, you will watch me paint a completely different landscape which features much more color and an intense contrast between a shadowed foreground and a high-key background. This will help you learn about more complex color arrangements, compressed value ranges and how to create the illusion of light.

Landscape Painting Masterclass: Module 6

Bonus Module - 30 Minute Speed Painting Challenge with Limited Palette


In this bonus module, I walk you through every step of this 30-minute speed painting challenge with a limited palette of just cadmium red, cadmium yellow, cobalt blue and titanium white. This is perfect for those of you looking to loosen up your style.

Dan Scott, Overland Track, Tasmania, Speed Painting with Limited Palette, 10x11 Inches, 2019, 700W Web
Dan Scott, Overland Track, Tasmania, Speed Painting, 2019

What's Involved?


Once you sign up to my Landscape Painting Masterclass, you will have lifetime access to all the content, plus updates. No subscription payments, no limited availability, no annoying up-sells and no additional payment requests for updates.

It is a self-paced course so you can take as much time as you need to go through all the content in the masterclass. I will also be sending regular emails to keep you on track with your landscape painting journey.

What's Included?

Over 45 HD videos (6+ hours) of content!

Ebooks and checklists to explain certain concepts in more detail.

Regular emails to help guide you through the course. 

Practical exercises which are fun, challenging, and interesting.


  • Ebook Bundle: All our Closer Look, How to Paint, Artist Spotlight posts. These have been designed into beautiful, easy-to-read PDFs that you can download. Currently, there are over 70 ebooks in this bundle, with more being added each month.
  • Photo Library: Over 2,400 reference photos you can use as inspiration or to paint from, copyright-free.
Landscape Painting Masterclass - Mockup

Landscape Painting Masterclass Special $147 $97USD

What Others Have Been Saying

Over 2,500 aspiring artists from around the world have taken this masterclass. Here's what some of them had to say:

"Thanks for being so generous with your knowledge. Btw I recently responded on Facebook to a question..

"If you could have any artist come to your home for a day and teach you who would it be?"

I posted

"Dan Scott, the best teacher I've sat under in decades." True words." Annette Emens

"Thank you so much for this incredible landscape painting course! I truly enjoyed it and have learned a lot of new things! I'm sure that lots of students find this course helpful and informative as well as I do. Wishing you lots of inspiration!" Dinara Aristo

Hi Dan,

I now have officially gone through the whole Landscape Masterclass and I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed and appreciated it. My favorite part was the demonstrations. It was fascinating to look over your shoulder!

Not only have I picked up some wonderful tips, but I have gained confidence as I see that I have basically been on the right track, have been asking the right questions, and need to keep doing what I'm doing and continue to practice. I have learned a lot about varying my brush strokes, the importance of edges, understanding the light source, the subtleties of color temperature, creating interest and focus and how to simplify. And of course, one can not get enough reminders about the importance of value! Most importantly, I am not as reliant on my reference photos any more and painting is more enjoyable! Thank goodness for this hobby during the pandemic!

I want to thank you so much for your generosity with this class as well everything I've ever bought from you or gotten for free. Your prices are not only very reasonable but I feel you really care about your students and share what you can. I look forward to continuing to work with you in the future." Vivienne Shalom

Hi Dan,

Just thought I would let you know how successful the two courses I took with you have been for me, (Beginners and Landscape). Since finishing the courses I have done over 65 paintings! I fell in love with soft pastels (sometimes combined with watercolour) and paint every day. I have a long way to go, but thank you so much for getting me started!" Tina Martin (Kristine)

Hi Dan,

I've found all of the information in this course very helpful, and the exercises of the color studies and the dull landscape studies interesting. I never knew how to change the light and color scheme of a landscape to represent a different time of day or a different climate. I also didn't understand the importance of thumbnails. The course has given me some important insights.

I truly appreciate the comprehensive demonstrations of your painting process along with the valuable information that helped me to understand the rationale behind everything that you were doing. Your paintings are great! My goal is to gain a better understanding of the steps that I take in painting, to loosen my style with a 'big idea' in mind, and to gain the ability to achieve this idea effectively.

Thank you so much for this great course" Irit Luria

"Hello again,

I have just finished the Landscape Masterclass. Before that I did the Fundamentals course.

This is my feedback:

Firstly, I found both courses immensely useful and believe I have improved considerably in my painting. I learnt many things I did not previously know.

It was particularly helpful watching you paint. I also benefited greatly learning about value which was something I previously did not understand. I also loved reading the "Artist Spotlight" Ebook and studying the paintings of these artists. It was both encouraging and edifying and something I will go back to again and again.

If you consider preparing any other courses, personally I would love to learn even more about colours, colour mixing, saturation and value as well as brush strokes.

Nevertheless, I am very grateful for this course which I have now finished. I learnt so much and know my paintings have improved tremendously. You are an inspiring teacher and I feel encouraged to keep painting and improving.

Thank you very much." Christina

"Hi Dan

I’ve tried putting into practice some of the tips taken from your Master Class. I loved the class thank you so much! I feel I’ve learnt some valuable lessons and really feel I’m getting somewhere now." Beatty-Anne Starkey

"Hi Dan,

Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your painting courses. They are really informative! When I was young I was interested in painting, but none of the classes I took taught the basics. I grew discouraged and believed I had no talent, so I gave up.

Many years later I again became interested in painting. I came upon your website and decided to give your Landscape Painting Masterclass a try. It is very helpful! I have learned so much! I paint whenever I get the chance, which isn't often enough, but I am really enjoying it.

I have also been reading through your blogs. You have an incredible amount of information you share. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge!" Mary Gibson

"Dear Dan,

You’ve helped me a great deal in my painting beginnings. So much I have learned from your lessons that would otherwise be very complicated and longlasting.

I do attend painting lessons, but we work only practically. I’ve been missing theory, but thanks to your lessons I feel much more confident now. Also, I look at my visual surrounding quite differently than before (values, composition etc) as if I look at the world with the brand new eyes. Imagine this wander!" Mira Pešut

"Obtaining theoretical knowledge about color and light, atmospheric perspective, stages of accomplishing painting, supporting by examples from you and other artists artworks. It has been very helpful. Thank you." Lyudmila Rakita

"Wonderful course that I will refer back to in the future." Jane Cariker

"I loved the videos and the way the class was structured. The explanations are clear, the examples easy to follow. I also liked the pdf material. I am a beginner and needed as much help as possible and I could easily follow the class and try on my own." Ada Drews

"I learned something new to me in every course you sent out. Very clear instructions." Donna Hardstaff

"I will enjoy taking in the tips and practicing all that you teach. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and at such a reasonable cost. That is really appreciated." Francetta Bridle

Dan Scott, Tingalpa Creek, High Key, 2021
Dan Scott, Tingalpa Creek, High Key, 2021

Frequently Asked Questions

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

If you are not completely satisfied, just send me an email at within 60 days of your purchase for a full refund. Simple!

Landscape Painting Masterclass Special $147 $97USD

Hope to see you in the first lesson! If you have any questions or you are not sure how to sign up, you can email me at