Thanks for Joining 7 Days to Better Paintings!

Glad to have you on board. The first lesson is on the way to your inbox. 

Over the next 7 days, I’ll walk you through some of the core principles of painting. The goal is to take some of the confusion out of painting and to give you a sense of direction and purpose. Painting is challenging but incredibly rewarding for those who stick at it. 

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Email and this website are my preferred methods of communication, but I also share additional insights on Youtube and Instagram for those who want more.

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Jump Start Your Learning

My 7 Days to Better Paintings email series is a great introduction to painting. If you want something more in-depth, I recommend you go through my Painting Academy course. This will give you a solid foundation for the rest of your painting journey.

Thanks again!

Signature Draw Paint Academy

Dan Scott

Draw Paint Academy