Beginner’s Guide to Light and Shadow for Artists

If you are just starting out in painting, one of the first areas I suggest you learn is how light and shadow work. It influences almost everything we do as artists – the colors we use, our compositions, our brushwork, how we render form and so on. It is also one of the few aspects of art … Read more

7 Colorful Landscape Paintings to Spark Your Inspiration

This post features 7 colorful landscape paintings to hopefully spark your inspiration, as they have done for me. In these paintings, the dominant feature is color rather than composition, value, brushwork or any other element. It is actually very challenging to pull off a painting where color is the dominant feature because if you are … Read more

Color and Light – What Is Color Temperature

Color temperature generally refers to how “warm” or “cool” a color is. But if only it were that simple. It seems every artist has a different interpretation of what color temperature means in art. In this post I want to break down color temperature and what it means for us artists. What Does Color Temperature … Read more

Are Black and White Actually Colors?

The age-old question – are black and white actually colors? This is an interesting question to ask, especially for us artists, as it raises some interesting discussions about what color is and how we see color. The answer varies depending on your perspective. I discuss why below. From a Scientific Perspective From a purely scientific … Read more

The Zorn Palette – What It Is and How You Can Use It

The Zorn palette refers to a palette of colors attributed to the great Swedish artist Anders Zorn (18 February 1860 – 22 August 1920). It consists of just 4 colors yellow ochre, ivory black, vermilion, and titanium white. Cadmium red light is commonly used in place of vermilion by modern-day artists. Whilst this may seem like … Read more